Thursday, October 31, 2019

Wonder Art Workshop by Sally Haughey

Published:November 12, 2019
Genres: Arts



The author's wonder-based approach reflects and synthesizes several child-centered educational movements, including Reggio Emilia, Waldorf, and Montessori. 

Become a catalyst for cultivating your child’s curious mind through these steps and activities, which start with art and apply to other subjects, including science and literacy:Take stock for your wonder journey with helpful guidance on collecting materials, preparing a space, and nurturing the process while allowing children to make independent choices.Harness curiosity through a collection of sensory-based activities that use a variety of loose parts and other creative materials for open-ended play.Encourage experimentation by unleashing your child’s inner alchemist with “potion trays” they can use to mix color, create fizzing concoctions, make play dough, and more.Unlock literacy play with activities that inspire children to imagine and create their own characters, structures, and landscapes.Give your children the precious gifts of wonder and curiosity and help them become the best they can be with Wonder Art Workshop.


Thank you to NetGalley for the Advanced Reader's Copy of this book. I received this in exchange for my honest review. I liked that the book gave a lot of ideas for kids to try different things and find their inner artist. I'm torn between how it was received. As an adult, I was very annoyed at the way thing's were worded. However, as a book directed towards children I guess I can see how this would be fitting. The language seemed to be directed towards 4-6 year olds. I know my 4 year old wouldn't be able to read it though so she would be counting on me to read it to her. I'm torn.

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